
intentional. happy. you. creative. grateful. love. loving. loved. unique. courageous. confident. clear. fearless. brave. light. sassy. kind. compassionate. vulnerable. yourself. open. willing. sympathetic. fierce. assertive. bright. raw. curious. fabulous. inspired. extraordinary. authentic. caring. awake. awakened. empowered. unstoppable. magnetic. trusting. lieve. bold. bolder. incredible. epic. positive. transformed. delighted. prosperous. abundant. exhilarated. centered. grounded. limitless. boundless. ok. remarkable. amazing. amazed. breathtaking. wondrous. phenomenal. sensational. moved. moving. magnificent. excellent. sincere. genuine. real. original. straightforward. affectionate. passionate. warm. decisive. strong. fresh. experimental. ingenious. resourceful. united. intrigued. inquisitive. exploratory. crafty.

You are worthy
of being the star of your life.
What soul traveler phase are you
in your Burning Journey™?

The longest journey may be those eleven inches between the head and the heart.

Hi, I'm Berni

I am a married mother, filmmaker, speaker, and recovering perfectionist.

I empower people to live courageously regardless of what others think.

I work with people desiring to change their life - ready to experience their own Burning Journey™ of personal transformation.

©Berni Slowey 2024 All Rights Reserved