The greatest betrayal is not honoring our true selves.

Burning Journeys™

I help people journey within to ignite their soul purpose and get laser focused on what they want, so they can extinguish what is holding them back and set fire toward their dream.

Weekend Retreat

Colorado or Arizona

This retreat usually includes a combination of goal setting, reflection, healing, and new experiences.  Each participant has time to spend alone and with the group in activities specifically designed around a theme of growth.
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At Home Mini - Retreat

Virtual Retreats

Occasionally throughout the year, I offer virtual retreats where a group of us prepares our spaces and minds for a weekend retreat.  For these events, I send out preparatory materials, and then we get together several times over the course of the weekend in a virtual meeting room. Click the button if you’re interested in learning more.
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International Retreats

Locations Vary

For the international retreats, the duration is usually 7-10 days, and we incorporate rituals and practices from the locations we travel to.  This is a more intense experience than the weekend retreats, but includes some of the same experiences. Click the button if you’re interested in learning more.
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Vip Day

If you want a special, one-on-one experience with me, I invite people to have a VIP day if they want to work on something special, or even just in preparation for one of my retreats or afterward – to deepen the process. Click the button if you’re interested in learning more.
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